Kansallisen palveluväylän kehitysympäristö

URL: http://palveluvayla.fi

From the dataset abstract

Kansallisen palveluväylän kehitysympäristö avataan 21.3.2014. Kehitysympäristö tarjoaa kaikille mahdollisuuden kokeilla itse käytännössä väylän komponentteja

Source: Kansallisen palveluväylän kehitysympäristö

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Additional Information

Field Value
Last updated សីហា 29, 2014
Created សីហា 29, 2014
Format HTML
អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ឌ other
createdover 10 year ago
description translated{u'fi': u''}
name translated{u'fi': u'Kansallisen palveluv\xe4yl\xe4n kehitysymp\xe4rist\xf6'}
original languagefi
package id79fdc301-bc4a-4b4a-b3d2-8e0347b83915
qa{'updated': '2017-09-04T02:24:10.664786', 'openness_score': 0, 'archival_timestamp': None, 'format': u'HTML', 'created': '2015-06-29T16:40:00.507948', 'resource_timestamp': None, 'openness_score_reason': u'This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "fi" is an unknown format. Format field "html" receives score: 0.'}
revision id632f230d-a46b-4544-89b7-8a79e61c251d
temporal coverage from2017-01-01
temporal coverage to2017-12-31
temporal granularity{}
time series precision{}
update frequency{}